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Terms & Conditions

Before using or visiting our website, please take the time to thoroughly read these Terms of Service. You agree to be bound by these Terms of Service by accessing or using any element of the website. You are not permitted to use any services or visit the website if you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions of this agreement. Acceptance is conditionally set forth in these Terms of Service, if these Terms of Service are an offer.

The following terms of use govern use of this website:

  • The information on these pages is provided for general informational purposes. It could change without prior warning.
  • As to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose, neither we nor any third parties make any warranty or guarantee. You understand that these materials and information could have mistakes or inaccuracies, and we expressly disclaim all responsibility for any such errors or inaccuracies to the fullest extent permissible by law.
  • You use all information and content on this website at your own risk, and we will not be held responsible. You are solely responsible for ensuring that any information, goods, or services obtained from this website satisfy your individual needs.
  • This website contains content that we own or have a license to use. This content contains the images as well as the design, layout, look, and appearance. Other than as permitted by the copyright notice, which is a part of these terms and conditions, reproduction is not permitted.
  • All trademarks used in this website's reproductions that are not the operator's or are used with permission from the operator are acknowledged on this website.
  • Unauthorized use of this website could result in a lawsuit for damages or even legal action.
  • Links to other websites may occasionally be found on this website. For your convenience, we have included these links to further information. They don't imply that we support the website in any way. The linked website's content is not our responsibility.
  • Without Vastranzo’ s prior written consent, you are not permitted to establish a connection to this website from another website or document.
  • The laws of India or another governing body will govern how you use this website and any disputes that result from it.